Jobs / Employment in Mallorca
Most jobs are seasonal ( April to end October ) as Mallorca is a Tourist Destination, and so winter can be quite cruel for those without work, but all year round jobs are available. Please see below some of the more popular websites for jobs in Mallorca.
Seguridad Social
Tesorería General de
Vida Laboral
Vida laboral report ( working life history) can be requested online – Website
- Other paperwork may be requested by your potential employer, see below information and links :-y) can be requested online – Website
Criminal background
If you have a digital certificate of identification (Certificado Digital) you can request this online via the following Link:
You will have to fill out form 790, pay €3,78 euros ( current price Feb 2019 ) by credit card or bank transfer and in principle the report will be available for downloading 24 hours later. (For non-Spanish Nationals the report might not be available for 30 days whilst the authorities enquire directly with your country of nationality.)
If you do not have a digital certificate, please download form 790 ( complete it and take it along to a bank to receive a stamp and receipt for €3,78Eur. (If you are unable to download or print the form you can collect a copy from the address below.)
You must then present the completed form, receipt, and most pertinent example of valid photographic identification, to:
Gerencia Territorial de Justicia, Carrer de la Posada de la Real, 6, 07003 , Palma de Mallorca
The report will then be sent directly to you by post or email.
Credit Check (solicitud de informe sobre riesgos provenientes de la Central de Información de Riesgos del Banco de España)
If you have a digital certificate of identification (Certificado Digital) you can request this online via the following Link: (“Application CIR”,
The report is free and will be emailed or posted to you in due course.
If you do not have a digital certificate, you must apply in person at:
Banco de España, Carrer de Sant Bartomeu, 16, 07001 Palma de Mallorca, Islas Baleares
You will be required to complete the aforementioned form and present it with the originals (and photocopies) of your most pertinent method of photographic ID (such as passport for example) and NIE.
Social Security Obligations (Certificado de estar al corriente en las obligaciones de la seguridad social)
If you have a digital certificate of identification (Certificado Digital) or a “Cl@ve & Pin” you can download it via the following Link:!ut/p/z1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfIjo8zijQ3NTAwtDQx93A08XQ0cQ329Qy2NA43djcz0w_EpMLA00I8iRr8BDuBIUL8XIQVAHxgV-Tr7putHFSSWZOhm5qXl60d4Asmi3NRihUoF59Siksy0zOTElPxioHOi8BkI9hBYAR4XB6cW6xfkhkZU-aQFB6QrKgIAYj7kKg!!/dz/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/
Alternatively you must request this certificate in person by first requesting an appointment through this link:
You will normally be offered an appointment within 24 hours at:
Tesorería General De La Seguridad Social Servicios Centrales , La Rambla, 18, 07003 Palma de Mallorca
The report is free and is normally given to you immediately.
Debts owed to the Treasury (Certificado de estar al corriente de obligaciones tributarias)
If you have a digital certificate of identification (Certificado Digital) or a “Cl@ve & Pin” you can request this certificate online via the following Link:
The certificate is free and will be sent to your home address in due course.
Alternatively you must obtain it in person, first by requesting an appointment via this link:
You will be offered an appointment within a few days at:
Agencia Estatal De La Administración Tributaria, Carrer de Cecili Metel, 9, 07003 Palma de Mallorca
You will be required to complete form (Model 01) and to present the original and a photocopy of your DNI, NIE, passport or other valid identification document.