Category Archives: transport

transport, travel around mallorca

Holiday Checklist

Holiday Checklist

Holiday checklist, hints and tips, here are some suggestions to start you off..

  Holiday Spending Money, order your currency ready
  Passport / Check expiry date / Visa Requirements
  Medication  – (better if kept in hand luggage).  Make sure you take enough for your trip, and a few days extra just in case.

TIP :- If you take medication for a medical condition, make sure if you have travel insurance that the medical condition has been declared and accepted –  You may need to call the insurance to check this, better off doing this before travelling to be sure…  ! 

  Sun Care Products
  Vaccinations – depending on where you are traveling.
  Book Car Hire / Transfers
  If hotel does not have 24/7 reception, make sure you will be able to check in when you arrive. Contact hotel in advance to save problems upon arrival
  EHIC Card / Please remember to take this if visiting European Country where reciprocal agreement applies, just in case you require healthcare abroad.
  Print off Boarding cards  / Accom & Transfer Vouchers / Save to Airline app if applicable – (this could save you a lot of money)
  Book Assistance with Airline if required
  Cancel Milk / Newspapers whilst you are away, etc
  Pets / Arrange dog sitter  / Kennels  / Cattery etc

FCDO travel advice –  Click here